Successful Grand Opening for Blockrise: an evening of passion, dedication, and collaboration

November 9, 2023
2 min read
CEO Jos speaking at event

Blockrise celebrated a milestone last Friday, November 3, 2023, that will go down in the books: the grand opening of its full suite of services. With around eighty guests, including some of the most prominent figures from the crypto world, politics, and banking, this event was a magnificent milestone for the company.

The evening kicked off with an inspiring speech from Blockrise's founder and CEO, Jos Lazet. His words, filled with enthusiasm and emotion, reflected Blockrise's vision and dedication to blockchain technology and served as a heartfelt thank you to all colleagues and partners. He shared the story of his first Bitcoin purchase ten years ago, gripping the audience with the passion in Jos's words, setting the tone for the rest of the night.

Next up was Caroline Nagtegaal, Member of the European Parliament (VVD), taking the stage. Her keynote speech was both captivating and enlightening. She discussed how the rise of cryptocurrencies challenges traditional markets and emphasized the importance of proper regulation, also at a European level.

The highlight of the evening came when CEO Jos Lazet cut the symbolic ribbon, marking the official opening of the full suite of services, accompanied by loud applause and raised glasses. According to Jos Lazet, "This service is built in such a way that each client owns their crypto and has full control. No funds are held at exchanges, and nothing is lent out."

After the official program, guests enjoyed multiple demonstrations and product presentations. Refreshments were served, providing ample networking opportunities and fostering enlightening and inspiring conversations.

The entire evening underscored the importance of cross-pollination and collaboration across different disciplines and sectors to push the boundaries of innovation. Blockrise will continue to dedicate itself to innovation in the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency. "Soon, we will introduce additional services such as backup solutions and crypto inheritance," said Jos Lazet.

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