Legacy Planning

At Blockrise, we provide services to securely store your crypto assets and, when necessary, transfer them to your heirs. Our goal is to ensure that your assets remain safe for future generations.

Everlasting Access

We ensure that you and your heirs always have access to your crypto assets. Our solution is designed to guarantee the security and accessibility of your crypto assets, even after you are no longer here.

For Future Generations

At Blockrise, we focus on protecting your assets so that your heirs can access them without complications. We believe in the long-term vision of Bitcoin and Ethereum and offer timeless solutions for this purpose. Based on your wishes, we help you create a future-proof plan.

Trusted Service Provider

Blockrise acts as your trusted service provider, ensuring that all technical aspects of your legacy are well-managed. This includes the secure storage and transfer of your crypto assets, as well as providing support to your heirs.

How Legacy Planning Works at Blockrise

Our legacy process is designed to be simple and effective. We assist you in planning and documenting your legacy to fulfil your wishes and enable your heirs to inherit your crypto assets. Additionally, we can support your heirs with necessary transactions, service selection, and reorganising the legacy.

Planning & Documentation

We help you create a detailed plan and gather the necessary documentation for your legacy. This includes setting out instructions, access rights, and any legal requirements. Our experts ensure everything is clear and organised, so your heirs can access your crypto assets without any issues.

Blockrise Wallet

Our Blockrise Wallet plays a central role in managing your legacy. Your crypto assets are securely stored and can be made accessible to your heirs. Each wallet is protected with the latest technologies to ensure the safety of your crypto assets.

About the Blockrise Wallet
Swiss mountain

Talk About the Future

Our experts are ready to discuss your future plans and how you would like to arrange your assets. We offer personal consultations and advice to ensure your wishes are respected. Additionally, Blockrise regularly organises information sessions to keep you updated on the latest developments.

Long-Term Peace of Mind

At Blockrise, we aim for a worry-free future for you and your heirs. We ensure that your crypto assets remain safe and accessible, no matter what happens.

Always Compliant with Laws and Regulations

We always operate in compliance with applicable laws and regulations to ensure that your legacy is managed safely and legally. This guarantees that you can securely set up a crypto inheritance. It is also possible to open an account with Blockrise if you inherit crypto.

Registered with De Nederlandsche Bank

Blockrise is registered with and supervised by De Nederlandsche Bank, meaning we meet the highest standards of safety and reliability. This registration provides extra peace of mind that your assets are safe and secure.

Get to Know Blockrise

We are ready to answer all your questions and guide you in planning your legacy. Contact us for more information or to schedule an introduction meeting at our office. Together, we ensure that your cryptocurrencies are safe for future generations.

Schedule an Introduction