Crypto Asset Management

Entrance of Blockrise office

At Blockrise, we offer a vision-driven approach to crypto asset management, with a strong focus on Bitcoin. Our services aim to protect and manage your crypto assets through unparalleled security and a solid strategy. Our team of experts is here to provide seamless support based on the principles of private banking.

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What is Crypto Asset Management?

Crypto asset management involves the professional management of your cryptocurrencies. At Blockrise, we strategically respond to market conditions to maximise returns and minimise risks. Our services are transparent, secure, and future-proof, allowing you to focus on what truly matters while our experts manage your crypto assets.

No Impulsive Decisions

At Blockrise, we eliminate emotions from the investment process by using our 'Fundamentals' strategy, based on statistical research from our analysts and Bitcoin market data. This rational approach helps us make well-informed decisions for sustainable growth and stability of your assets.

Swiss mountain

Planning for the Future

Our approach focuses on both the present and the future. By rebalancing your portfolio monthly, we ensure that your assets withstand broader market changes. Our goal is to protect and grow your crypto assets, providing you and future generations with assured diversification.

Who is Asset Management For?

Our crypto asset management is suitable for all investors: individuals, businesses, and institutions. Whether you are new to the world of cryptocurrencies or already have substantial investments, our services can be tailored to your specific needs and goals.

The Vision of Blockrise

At Blockrise, we aim to be the gold standard in crypto asset management. Our vision is based on transparency, security, and integrity. These core values help us manage our clients' assets and prepare them with solid financial planning and education. Through clear and secure processes, our experts provide guidance at every step of your crypto journey.

Asset management, or manage it yourself?

At Blockrise, you can choose to have your crypto assets managed by us or actively trade yourself via our Blockrise Broker service. Both options have their own advantages and are designed to meet different needs and preferences.

Crypto Asset ManagementBlockrise Broker
Expert managementSelf-decision and trading
Professional strategies and analysesOwn research and market analyses
Monthly rebalancingSelf-initiated rebalancing
Risk management by BlockriseRisk dependent on personal decisions
Regular reports and updatesFull control and flexibility

Why Choose Blockrise Asset Management?

At Blockrise, we combine a vision-driven approach with unparalleled security. Our fully transparent methodology and fee structure ensures you know exactly what to expect. With a focus on minimising risks and optimising portfolios, we adhere to the highest standards of compliance and security. Registered with De Nederlandsche Bank, we offer reliable and professional services you can trust.

Blockrise bull on table

Fundamentals: the Investment Strategy by Blockrise

Fundamentals combines Bitcoin, Ethereum, and a euro position in a carefully curated portfolio, grounded on the core principles of Bitcoin and blockchain technology.

Transparent Fees

At Blockrise, we understand the importance of full transparency regarding the costs associated with our asset management. The last thing an investor wants is to be surprised by hidden fees that affect returns. That’s why we openly explain our fee structure, enabling potential investors to make informed decisions.

See our Pricing

Our Approach

1. Personal Introduction

During a personal meeting, we discuss your financial goals, risk profile, and investment preferences. This enables us to develop a tailored investment plan with you.

2. Open an Account

After the introduction, you can easily open an account with Blockrise. Our team guides you through the process, ensuring all necessary steps are clear and easy to follow.

3. Manage Your Assets

Once your account is opened, you can immediately start buying, selling, and swapping Bitcoin and Ethereum. Track your portfolio in real-time via our platform and the Blockrise app.

Ready to start your crypto journey?

Any questions you may have, we are happy to answer. Feel free to contact us for more information or schedule an appointment at our Rotterdam offices.

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